Key business drivers include leadership, management, sales, sales management and customer service. Our lead training programs specialize in these areas:

A Supervisor’s Survival Toolkit
This customized program is intended to provide individuals with the concepts of transitioning from employee to a role in supervision.  The course covers understanding the supervisor’s role, developing management skills, communication, teamwork, coaching and counseling, motivation, decision making and problem solving program. Developing the right attitudes, values systems, and skill sets is crucial for success in today’s diverse and often difficult business environment. Successful supervision cannot be left to chance. 

Management Unleashed©
Organizations are being faced with the need to do more; do it with less; and do it faster. Because many companies are reducing management levels and shifting responsibilities, enhanced skills are the mandate for survival. Management Unleashed© focuses on the responsibilities of today’s management role. A key outcome of this program is the ability to align employee attitudes and behaviors with necessary business outcomes.

Lifeguard Leadership©
The Lifeguard Leadership© solution develops leaders who can navigate today’s turbulent business waters. This training program focuses on the role of leaders in today’s complex business environment and offers specific, practical, tested strategies for immediate use. Our Lifeguard Leadership© solution is not just another program; it is a process that, once internalized by the organization, will provide you with the results you need. This process customizes the training to focus on developing necessary traits and competencies not just to effectively lead, but to effectively lead within your organization. It includes the key skills for successful change management, the critical steps in developing empowerment, the requirements for effective teams and teambuilding.

Women as Leaders©
This training program focuses on developing styles, unique skill sets and balancing acts that face women as leaders.  This is an interactive program that addresses topics such as:

  • Choosing the right leadership style
  • Communicating with power and influence
  • Balancing life’s multiple priorities
  • Staying motivated in a demanding and stressful job

Strategies for Winning Sales©
Strategies for Winning Sales© produces selling efforts that result in long-term customer relationships, repeat business and referrals. It is based on three components:

Stewart and Associates, Inc. has developed a unique training process to develop effective salespeople and sales managers. Our solution is customized to fit your organization’s needs and to provide initial training and follow-up services to ensure that the techniques we present have been incorporated into the organization’s culture. Our roleplays and exercises are based on research in your industry and marketplace competition.  Strategies for Winning Sales© focuses on the personal and business skills necessary to sell your services or products.

Strategies for Winning Sales© for Managers
Strategies for Winning Sales© for managers supports effective sales leadership. Superstar salespeople often do not make the best sales managers. An entirely different skill set is necessary to train, inspire, and monitor salespeople. This process includes how to make the transition from selling to managing as well as how to achieve sales goals through the efforts of others.

Developing Service Relationships©
The customer satisfaction and loyalty that results from superior service always has been, and always will be, an indicator of business success. Developing Service Relationships© (DSR©) is a process to integrate skills training and system support. We take a strategic and global view of what service means in an organization and how to align people and processes. Our DSR© solution provides your organization with the knowledge, methods, and expert guidelines necessary for your company to excel and ride the “Service Wave” to productivity and profitability.

Wave Training Solutions©

We function in a supportive role to the client organization; therefore, flexibility and customization drives the following options:
  • A total turn-key approach in which includes needs assessments, design, development and presentation.
  • Support for in-house program development
  • Train-the-trainer programs
  • Consultation services to:
•  Review current training programs and recommend updates
•  Assist in training program development
•  Conduct objective needs assessments
•  Provide contract trainers to present in-house developed programs.

Our four-step training process includes: